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Legal 500 International Guide (PARIS and EMEA), 2012 and later editions:

Example of the guide's commentary on the firm's dispute resolution interventions:

"Alyanakian Avocats offers a 'defence of excellence and tailor-made' to the client. Rigour and perfectionism' are part of the culture of the firm, which is 'creative in its solutions'. Led by Jean-Vasken Alyanakian, the team of three lawyers offers strong skills in handling shareholder disputes. It is recommended for the management of complex cases, particularly in relation to corporate governance. The firm represents numerous innovative companies and executives."

"Alyanakian Avocats is recommended for the quality of its advice; 'importance is given to prevention' and the sharp analysis of situations is coupled with speed of execution. Jean-Vasken Alyanakian represents IT companies, integrators and software publishers [...]. The firm also has strong litigation expertise."


French Guide "Décideurs", 2015 and subsequent editions:

The firm is listed among the best law firms in FRANCE for its interventions in :

- Representation of managers and corporate officers,

- Commercial litigation,

- Financial, banking and equity litigation,

- Risk litigation and criminal labour law,

- Mediation


Example of commentary from the Decision Makers guide for the Litigation activity: 

"A LEADER IN GOVERNANCE LITIGATION: very active in governance and pre-litigation litigation and disputes between partners, the firm also deals with issues of information rights and valuation. Jean-Vasken Alyanakian favours, whenever possible, the amicable resolution of disputes."

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