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An "augmented" law firm

The sense of anticipation, the refusal to take risks and the search for excellence are the guiding principles of Alyanakian Avocats' interventions.

Since its creation, Alyanakian Avocats' mission has been:

  • to provide its clients with "tailor-made" legal, judicial or negotiated solutions, in line with their objectives and values;

  • to provide them with all the security and economic added value that the law can provide, making it an asset;

  • to offer its clients the best of the legal profession and its developments.


The evolution of law towards hyperspecialization, accounting and finance, modeling software solutions, mediation techniques, soft skills and agile methods have made Alyanakian Avocats an "augmented" law firm.

The human size of Alyanakian Avocats, its agility to build ad hoc teams hyperspecialized around the ResolutionValueTM solution and an internal communication facilitated by technology allow the responsible and optimized treatment of each case.


Thus, Alyanakian Avocats intervenes daily within the framework of the ResolutionValueTM solution to co-construct, with its specialised teams, the strategic diagnosis specific to each dispute and to implement the most adapted and optimised solution.

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